Kratom is a natural botanical that comes from the Mitragyna speciosa tree, native to Southeast Asian lands. Today, the leaves from the said tree are available in the market in various forms and shapes. Be it gummies, edibles, capsules, powder, tea bags, tinctures, or extracts, the Kratom industry has been flourishing for years, for it being the most well-liked natural relaxant.
But, did you know Kratom not only comes in different shapes and forms, it has various strains, too?
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In this article, we will dive deep into the different types of Kratom, how different they are from each other, and what distinct benefits they offer you.
What is Kratom?
Kratom, derived from the leaves of the Mitragyna speciosa tree, belongs to the Rubieacae family. The tree thrives in a warm and humid environment and is grown in countries like Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea. It typically grows to a height of 25-30 meters and stands out because of its green, glossy leaves.
For centuries and beyond, Kratom has been used in these regions for medicinal and recreational purposes. These lands’ warmth and rich diversity contribute to the unique alkaloid composition found in Kratom leaves. Other factors, such as climate, soil health, composition, and harvesting techniques, also affect the potency and alkaloid profile of Kratom.
Among many alkaloids, Mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine are two prominent alkaloids that interact with the brain receptors, prompting the very effects Kratom is applauded for.
One distinctive feature of Kratom that has caught the attention of many herb consumers is the color of its leaf’s veins. The Kratom leaves can be classified into three (or more) distinct colors — Red, Green, and White — each having unique properties and effects upon consumption. Apart from these three strains, Kratom users can also get their hands on blended Kratom varieties, encompassing blended effect — one of each strain.
Kratom Vein Colors — The Big Three
The infamous three Kratom strains are distinguished by their vein colors. Red, Green, and White. The color difference is due to the leaves’ specific alkaloid composition, each associated with distinct effects and appeal.
Red Vein Kratom
The red Kratom vein is probably the most famous and used among all three (and combination) vein varieties. Best known for its relaxing and sedating effect, the Red strain is the most-picked among Kratom enthusiasts seeking relief from discomfort and a good night’s sleep.
Now, you might be wondering: Why the color red?
Well, red in the color palette signifies passion, strength, and power. The red Kratom strain possesses the very same qualities due to the higher alkaloid content — 7-hydroxy mitragynine, famous for its relaxing and pain-relieving properties. After consumption, the commonly reported effects of Red vein Kratom includes experiencing tranquility, discomfort relief, and improved sleep without inducing excessive sedating effects.
Another contributing factor to the strain’s red color is the maturity of the Kratom leaves. The more mature the leaves are, the redder the color of the veins will be. Therefore, this strain would be subjected to longer drying times during processing.
Popular Red Strains: Red Maeng Da, Red Bali, and Red Thai.
Red Vein Effects:
- Relaxation and stress relief
- Analgesic properties
- Improved sleep
Green Vein Kratom
The green vein is a mediator — a middle ground between red and white Kratom veins. The green vein holds a balance between potent and soothing alkaloid composition and offers stimulant and relaxant effects at the same time. Among regular Kratom users, the green vein is well-liked due to its potential to provide increased energy and focus without an overpowering sedating effect. Its use is much favored for daytime use because of its mild energy-boosting capabilities and motivating effect.
Unlike the red vein, which makes your eyelids feel heavier than usual, the green vein is subtle and has a gentle approach.
As for the green color of the Kratom leaves, it is all due to the harvesting of the leaves at a much younger stage — before they become fully mature and turn red. Hence, the green vein leaves do not undergo as elaborative drying processes as the red vein.
Popular Green Strains: Green Malay, Green Indo, and Green Thai.
Green Vein Effects:
- Balanced energy and relaxation
- Improved focus and mental clarity
- Mild mood enhancement
White Vein Kratom
The white vein Kratom is famous for its stimulating and energizing effects. That said, it has quite a unique alkaloid profile out of all three. Unlike red and green vein Kratom, the white vein has a lower concentration of 7-hydroxy mitragynine. However, it possesses higher levels of another yet effective alkaloid — Mitragynine.
The presence of mitragynine in significant amounts in the white vein leaves further contributes to a refreshing experience. In addition to that, white vein kratom includes two folds of other alkaloids that work with mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine and result in increased clarity. These include:
- Corynoxine A and B,
- Isomitrafoline,
- Mitraciliatine,
- Mitraversine,
- Stipulatine, etc.
Kratom enthusiasts typically consume white vein Kratom as a morning or daytime option to enhance cognitive performance, combat fatigue, and increase focus.
The white color of the leaves is attributed to the harvesting of leaves at the earliest stage, before the color change. As a result, the white vein leaves undergo a minimal drying process.
Popular White Strains: White Borneo, White Maeng Da, and White Sumatra.
White Vein Effects:
- Increased energy and alertness
- Enhanced cognitive function
- Improved motivation and productivity
Combination or Blended Kratom Vein Colors
Apart from the primary, traditional Kratom vein colors — Red, Green, and White —, you can also find Kratom strains with a blend of vein colors. These veins are commonly called “Blends,” “Mixes,” or “Combination Kratom veins.”
The blended Kratom vein colors aim to provide a combination of effects, incorporating all the properties of red, green, and white kratom veins.
Yellow or Gold Vein Kratom
The yellow or gold vein Kratom is not itself a Kratom strain; however, it’s a product of extended drying processes.
It is typically made by blending the primary Kratom vein colors and then allowing them to dry more than usual. However, some sources achieve the yellow hue vein in the leaves by letting the red vein stay on the stem longer than usual.
Yellow or Gold Vein Effects:
The effects of the yellow vein can vary, considering it provides a blend of properties. But the commonly reported yellow vein Kratom effects are:
- Providing a balance between energy and relaxation
- Mild mood-enhancing effects
- Mild analgesic effects
Popular Yellow Strains: Yellow Vietnam and Yellow Borneo
Factors Influencing Kratom Vein Colors
Since you can find various vein colors of Kratom leaves, here is one important question to ask:
What makes these veins display different colors?
A number of factors. These include:
1. Maturation of Leaves
The age at which Kratom leaves are harvested plays a crucial role; younger leaves tend to have whiter veins and more mature leaves develop red veins.
2. The Drying Process
The duration and the drying techniques of the carefully harvested Kratom leaves further influence the color of the veins. Longer drying duration requires specific drying techniques, which results in the development of red veins. Similarly, shorter drying times result in white veins.
3. Genetics & Type of Kratom Strain
The genetic makeup and the type of Kratom tree also influence the color of the veins of the leaves. Different strain types and subspecies might also define the color of the vein naturally.
Popular Kratom Strains By Region
Some common Kratom strains indigenous to SouthEast Asian regions are:
1. Bali Kratom
Bali Kratom comes from the lands of Bali, Indonesia. It is best known for its relaxing and euphoric effects, giving relief from discomfort, providing relaxation and promoting a sense of well-being.
2. Borneo Kratom
Borneo Kratom originates from the lush lands of Borneo Island, shared among Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunie. The said strain is often associated with sedating and relaxing effects and is commonly used by users for relieving pain and aiding sleep.
3. Indo (Indonesia) Kratom
Coming from the lush landscapes of Indonesia, Indo Kratom is favored by Kratom enthusiasts for its analgesic, relaxing, mood-enhancing effect. Moreover, Indo-Kratom strains vary in vein colors and are available in red, green, and white vein varieties.
4. Kalimantan Kratom
The Kratom Kalimantan strain comes from the Indonesian part of Borneo Island, and the very reason why, like the Borneo strain, Kalimantan is also popular for providing instant pain relief and a soothing effect.
5. Maeng Da Kratom
Maeg Da Kratom is probably one of the most famous Kratom strains and is consumed by all Kratom enthusiasts, whether they have just started with their kratom journey or are regular consumers. It is also one of the most diverse and comes in all Kratom vein colors — Red, Green, and White vein varieties. The Maeng Da strain is well-liked due to its potency and providing increased energy, focus, and instant pain relief.
6. Malaysian Kratom
As its name suggests, Malaysian Kratom is sourced from lush Malaysian lands. This strain offers long-lasting effects with a balance between relaxation and stimulation.
7. Riau Kratom
Originating from the Riau province of Indonesia, the Riau strain offers a diverse range of effects: mood enhancement, pain relief, and energy boost.
8. Thai (Thailand) Kratom
The Thailand strain, derived from the Thai trees of Kratom, is associated with stimulating effects: increased energy levels and enhanced mood.
9. The Sunda Isles Kratom
Belonging to the roots of Bali, Borneo, and Sumatra islands, the Sunda strains offer relaxation, discomfort relief, and mood enhancement.
10. Vietnam Kratom
These Vietnamese strains offer a variety of effects, including stimulation, relaxation, and mood enhancement.
How To Pick The Right Kratom Strain For You?
In order to choose the right Kratom strain for you, it is essential to explore different strains first, research their provided benefits, and have a general knowledge of the various strains available in the market.
However, when we say to study further about the promised benefits of each strain, we do not mean to encourage you to rely solely on the predicted effects. The key is to try, test, and decide which Kratom strain, or a combination of many, works the best for you.
To guide you further, here are the points you should consider before picking your ultimate Kratom strain:
1. Similarities VS Differences
There are different varieties of Kratom strains available on the market. However, these varieties are more similar to each other than different. Therefore, choosing the Kratom strain according to the vein color is a much more reliable option than the region, the type of leaf, or the origin of the available strains.
2. Alkaloid Profile & Composition
The differences between the effects offered by various strains are due to the varied active alkaloid concentrations in each leaf.
3. Natural Variability
Kratom is an all-natural botanical. Therefore, certain factors can naturally influence each Kratom strain’s effects. These factors include the time of year harvested, weather conditions, and other climate-related natural elements.
4. Price: Not a Marker of Strain Effectiveness
You can find most strain varieties with similar prices on the market. This implies that you should not measure the effectiveness of any strain depending on how much it costs.
5. Different Strain For Different Effects
The best way to choose the right Kratom strain for you is by keeping a variety of strains at hand. Given that each strain gives off a unique effect, having different strains can help you experience the desired effect you have been looking forward to.
As absurd as this may sound, this is a common practice among Kratom enthusiasts: combining different strains to find the desired balance.
6. Individual Biochemistry
Another key factor to consider before picking the best Kratom strain for you is that every individual has a different biochemistry, mechanism, and reaction to Kratom. To find the perfect Kratom strain, you might need to try different varieties first before settling with one strain.
Kratom Use & Ethical Concerns
Despite Kratom’s growing popularity in today’s world, one cannot deny that there are some ethical considerations regarding the use and consumption of Kratom. One should be especially considerate of the following before using Kratom:
Legality & Regularity Status
Kratom’s legal status varies across different parts of the world. Although the United States has declared Kratom’s use safe and legal, there are some states where it is illegal to use to this day. However, in some states, despite Kratom being legal, there are strict regulations that one should always obey and not face any legal action.
Kratom’s Potential for Dependence
Kratom is a natural botanical and not an addictive substance. However, its prolonged and excessive use may result in dependence or withdrawal symptoms. Nevertheless, it is important to note that these symptoms are not as intense as other substances or opioid-like symptoms. More importantly, Kratom’s withdrawal symptoms do not last for extended durations.
Therefore, it is always best for Kratom consumers to practice moderation, be well aware of their tolerance level and change the Kratom product every now and then.
Tolerance Risk
According to veterans and long-time Kratom users, starting with low dosages of Kratom is the best way to kick-start your Kratom journey as a newbie. Moreover, consuming small amounts of Kratom products daily is the ideal way to build tolerance. This way, you can increase your tolerance by gradually increasing the dosage.
However, practicing is still necessary. On alternate days, decrease the dosages before consuming them in a rather large amount the next day. This will help build your tolerance and maintain a balanced approach when consuming Kratom.
Quality and Safety Concerns
With the Kratom market continuing to be on the rise, new Kratom (and its combination) products are showing up on the market, offering several benefits. However, not all products reach the highest standards, often lacking the “lab-tested” certification. Some are even falsely marketed, claiming to be approved by various regularity bodies. But in reality, all claims are fraudulent.
In this scenario, it’s best to conduct self — thorough — research and seek out reputable brands that are third-party lab-tested, adhere to quality standards, and provide transparent information about their product.
Final Thoughts
As the Kratom industry continues to flourish, more and more products will keep launching in the market, promising a myriad of benefits. But choosing the right Kratom product for you will remain a forever struggle for Kratom enthusiasts.
Speaking of picking the right product or strain for a desired effect, it’s important to note that Kratom vein colors play a significant role in determining the provided effect of the said strain. By understanding the origins of red, green, and white vein varieties, Kratom users can easily choose their pick by comparing the provided benefits with their needs.
However, if you’re unaware of what you’re looking for, it’s best to test different strains and Kratom vein colors to find the right Kratom product for you!
To get your hands on the purest, lab-tested quality Kratom products, shop online from Super Natural Botanical, and make your Kratom experience truly wholesome!

Heather lives with her husband and two children in beautiful British Columbia. Her passion has always been to enhance the lives of others by helping them reach their own personal goals and accomplishments. Content management is her specialty, and writing is what she does best. Her love for helping others lead her to the cannabis and kratom scene, where she saw an immense gap between patients and medicine that can help them.