Buy Bentuangie Kratom Strain Varieties Online

The Bentuangie Kratom (also known as Chocolate Kratom) is one of these cherished strains with a bucketful of benefits to offer to its consumers. It gets cultivated in the Bentuangie region of Indonesia, after which it got named. It’s a miraculous variant that promises heavenly taste, a strange state of calm and relief, and most, of all, adventure.

Bentuangie Kratom
Red Bentuangie Capsules

Red Bentuangie Kratom Capsules

Green Bentuangie Capsules
White Bentuangie Capsules
Green Riau Kratom Powder

Red Bentuangie Kratom Powder

Green Riau Kratom Powder

White Bentuangie Kratom Powder

Green Riau Kratom Powder

Yellow Bentuangie Kratom Powder


Why is Chocolate Bentuangie Kratom so good?

The difference between Bentuangie Kratom and regular strains lies in its processing. Regular Kratom varieties gets harvested, cut, dried, crushed, and then grounded to create a powder. Comparatively, the leaves for Bentuangie Kratom first get fermented. Instead of drying, the leaves get sealed in a bag that locks the moisture and causes fermentation. Once fermented, the leaves of Bentuangie strains get dried, crushed, and grounded to produce a fine quality powder.

The fermentation process in the Bentuangie changes the alkaloid content and the ratio. It increases the Mitragynine and Paynantheine concentration (different leaf veins and geography can significantly change in alkaloid distribution).

Frequently Asked Questions:

Chocolate Bentuangie Kratom is a unique strain created by fermenting the harvested leaves in air-tight bags before drying and grinding them into powder form. This process gives the powder a distinct reddish brown color, which has earned it its name of "chocolate."

Bentuangie is a term used to describe Kratom leaves that have been placed in air-tight bags for fermentation immediately after harvest. On the other hand, Chocolate Kratom typically refers to matured red vein leaves, which are fermented and then ground into dark reddish brown powder - resembling cocoa powder.

Red Bentuangie is renowned for its calming properties crafted from fully matured leaves. Additionally, this strain can help alleviate any discomfort and provide intense relaxation.

There are four prominent Bentuangie Kratom strains available in the market and online on our store. These include: Red Bentuangie, Yellow Bentuangie, Green Bentuangie, White Bentuangie.

Many people describe Bentuangie as having an earthy taste with hints of chocolate. Some find it to be more enjoyable than other strains, although individual preferences may differ when it comes to flavor.

Mix Bentuangie Kratom powder with water, juice or capsules. Start by taking a low dose (1-2 grams) and adjust the dosage according to your body chemistry or individual needs; gradually increase to 3-4 grams if needed. Remember that dosage guidelines may vary depending on personal tolerance and desired effects.

If you want to keep your Kratom fresh for a longer period, you should store it in an airtight container and place it in a dark and dry place to keep it away from sunlight and moisture.

SupernNatural Botanicals offers high-quality Chocolate Bentuangie, as well as other varieties. You can purchase it both online or from physical stores near you.

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