When we talk about Kratom, Red, White and Green are the most common strains available in the market today. But, have you ever heard about the matchless Yellow Kratom? Yellow strains are rare and hard to find, but for sure, there is something unique about this variety.
Since Yellow Kratom strains are tailor-made and do not grow naturally in Southeast Asia, Kratom enthusiasts wonder whether Yellow kratom strains are any different?
Table of Contents
In this piece, we will dig deeper into everything you would want to know about Yellow strains, from their key features to the right usage, this piece has got you covered.
So let’s get straight into it!

A comprehensive Yellow kratom strains guide
Let us explore what are yellow kratom strains and what they do?
Yellow Kratom is not a naturally occurring Mitragyna variant. Following a special fermentation and drying technique, manufacturers make this ever-green Yellow Mitragyna Speciosa. Here’s what the step-by-step process looks like.
Collecting Red vein leaves
Firstly, the seasoned farmer hand-picks red vein Mitragyna Speciosa leaves and ensures that each leaf is free from bruises and blemishes. Afterward, all the leaves are evenly assembled into racks.
Fermenting red vein leaves in plastic bags
The Red-vein leaves go through a special fermentation process. The leaves are covered in plastic bags and fermented for two days. Once completely fermented, the leaves are uncovered.
Drying stage
Afterward, the leaves are dried in the open air to get rid of moisture.
Producing powder form
The dried leaves are made into a soft and granule-free powder using fast-acting grinding machines.
Special features of yellow kratom strains
This strain has an exceptionally stunning appearance. The Yellow Mitragyna Speciosa powder is not clearly yellow in color. Imagine a lighter shade of green with hints of yellow and orange inside, that’s how the final color appears to be.
If you are a fanatic kratom user, you must know that kratom comes with its own fair share of bitterness despite having numerous pluses. Yes, Mitragyna Speciosa has a bitter taste, but with Yellow strains, the story turns a bit upside down. The Yellow strains are not “that” bitter, they have a little-to-no bitter taste with earthy hints. A complete treat for your taste buds.
If you do not like highly potent kratom strains then yellow ones are for you. The yellow strains are not overly potent, neither are they less effective; they keep a middle ground balance that every fanatic loves. With balanced potency levels, yellow strains prove to be
Although Yellow strains are mellow and moderately stimulating, the effects remain prominent for 8 hours. Hence when it comes to choosing the strain that will have enduring results, Yellow kratom wins the show.
Alkaloid-rich chemical profile
The unique alkaloid profile of yellow strains further adds to its rarity. The alkaloid profile of the kratom leaf changes during the fermentation process. The Mitragynine alkaloid changes into a 7-Hydroxy-Mitragynine alkaloid, and Mitragynine Pseudoindoxyl develops in larger concentrations, making the strain more potent and stronger. That’s something specific to yellow strains only and for this reason, they are fan-favorites of millions out there.
Top 5 yellow kratom strains you must try
Are you already drooling over the legit YELLOWS? Now is the time to search for the best yellow kratom strains you must get your hands on. So let us keep the extensive research completely minimal for you and help you get through the finest yellows that await you.
Yellow Jongkong
Jongkong is a beautiful land in Kalimantan, Indonesia. The Yellow Jongkong strain comes from the Mitragyna leaves that grow in Jongkong. The leaves follow the two-day fermentation process, exhibiting a matchless alkaloid profile.
Yellow Sumatra
Sumatra Island is known for its rich, green, and fertile land. The Yellow Sumatra strain is native to Sumatra Island only and is known for its strength and long-lasting effects.
Yellow Maeng Da
Having its origin in Thailand, the Yellow Maeng Da is one of the strongest Yellow kratom strains. With its euphoria-inducing effects, this strain is the best for those who are looking for the ultimate stimulation.
Yellow Bali
You must have heard about the famous Bali Island but you may not know that this Island is the only source of Yellow Bali Kratom. The classic temperate climate of Bali produces fresh and juiciest Mitragyna leaves that go under fermentation to produce Yellow Bali Kratom.
Yellow Borneo
As the name suggests, this strain comes from Borneo Island. The Kratom leaf of Borneo Island is exclusively matchless for its potency, purity, and strength. The leaf is fermented and dried to get the Yellow kratom which is known for its rarity.
Yellow Kratom strain dosage – How much should you take?
How much of a yellow strain you should take comes down to three questions.
1) What strain are you using?
2) Are you a beginner or a regular user?
3) Do you have any underlying medical conditions?
The potency around strains varies and for this reason, your dose has to be adjusted accordingly. For Yellow strains, you can safely take between 1-3 grams if you are a beginner. If you feel that the effects were almost little-to-no, you can increase your dose to 4 grams.
Make sure you do not take more than 5 grams as it is considered a high dose. Moreover, if you have any underlying medical condition, you must consult your healthcare provider first. Kratom has a tendency to interact with medications, hence, do not overlook the scenario.
Boosting effects of yellow kratom
Here’s the most exciting part of this piece. Are you ready to explore the Yellow kratom strains and their benefits? Without a doubt, yellow strains are a perfect pick-me-up for health freaks and folks who prefer herbal remedies against medications. Let’s have a deep dive into the five health-promoting effects of Yellows.
Do your nerves get a hold of you pretty frequently? Do you get stressed out and fall into that dark pit hole of anxiety? At times like these, yellow strains prove to be your best buddy. They have a calming effect and help keep you relaxed and composed. For most users, yellows are also one of the best herbal remedies for sedation.
Energy boost
There comes a time when we are super tired and your to-do list is haunting the shit out of you. At times like these, a quick boost in energy would do the magic. Yellow strains are known stimulators and help uplift your energy and mood.
The 7-Hydroxy-Mitragynine alkaloid promotes relief, and yellows have this alkaloid in huge concentration. From long-lasting aches to minor injuries, yellow strains help manage uneasiness, making you feel at peace.
Enhanced Motivation
Are you one of those who are keen on kick-starting the pending work but low motivation breaks up your momentum? To keep the motivation at the high end, a delicious cup of kratom tea using yellow strains would go a long way. Grab your favorite yellow strain, have your dose, and stay motivated, focused, and energized.
Mild euphoria
Do you know yellow strains induce euphoria too? Although the euphoria is not too intense, it does take you to a whole new world. You feel more content, blessed, happy, stress-free, and at peace. So beat the sadness and stress with yellow strains and get the most out of your day.
How long do yellow kratom strains last?
Do you want your favorite yellow variant of Mitragyna Speciosa to last longer? According to user experiences, kratom can last up to a year but all the hard work comes down to how you store it. If you follow the right storage hacks, you can enjoy the same potency every time you take your dose. Here’s what you have to do to keep that million-dollar potency and freshness intact.
- You have to store the yellow kratom in an airtight container. Most of the users use a vacuum seal bag or a Ziploc bag.
- Make sure that the storage area is completely dry and that there are no signs of humidity or dampness. Humidity can cause bacteria formation and your Mitragyna may go bad.
- Kratom should be stored in a dark area, away from sunlight. As sunlight can alter the alkaloid profile so you have to be pretty vigilant about it.
- You don’t want your children or furry friend to consume kratom accidentally or just drop the storage jar all of a sudden, right? So to keep things safe, store them at a spot where neither your children nor your pet can reach.
Yellow Kratom vs Gold Kratom – What is the difference?
You may have heard about Gold kratom and chances are that you would have confused it with the yellow one. Both strains are completely different and have a few varying effects.
The yellow kratom is made by fermenting Mitragyna leaves for two days in humidity and hot temperature. Afterward, they are dried either indoors or outdoors. In the end, the white strain is added to finish it off.
The Gold kratom is also fermented just like the yellow one, but no white strain is mixed in the end. They are only dried and ground to form a Gold powder.
Final Thoughts
Yellow kratom strains are different from Green, White, and Red strains. The word “yellow” is not a marketing gimmick to boost sales, but a true strain that is one of the hot-selling products in the Mitragyna Market.
The fermentation process is only unique to the yellow strains, which further adds to its unique alkaloid profile. Known for boosting energy, mood, motivation, and focus, this variety also helps manage pain and stress. Make sure you read user reviews before buying from your preferred vendor and do not overlook third-party testing. Lab-tested products are free from contaminants and have top-notch quality.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Is it safe to use yellow kratom strains?
Yes, it is completely safe to use yellow kratom strains if you do not have any underlying conditions. Make sure you do not take more than 2 grams if you are a first-time user. The moderate dose is 2-4grams.
- What are the best yellow kratom strains to try?
There are 20+ Yellow strains but Yellow Borneo, Yellow Bali, Yellow Sumatra, Yellow Maeng Da, Yellow Indo, and Yellow Elephant are a few of the much-loved strains you must try.
- What is yellow kratom used for?
Yellow kratom is the best choice for those who are looking for stress relief, a motivated mindset, and uplifted energy.
- What is the right dose of Yellow kratom?
The right dose of yellow strains would vary from person to person. Maybe the 1 gram dose one user takes does not prove to be equally effective for the other person or the 4gram dose a regular user takes proves to be too much for the first-time user. So you have to be precautious about your dose, and make sure you do not take more than 2 grams for the first time.
- Yellow kratom strains vs Green – what is the difference?
Yellow strains are less potent considering Green strains and also go through an additional fermentation process which changes their alkaloid profile.
- Where to buy yellow kratom strains near me?
If you want to buy Yellow kratom online, look for a trusted vendor who sells third-party lab-tested kratom. Search over Google and the nearby kratom vendors would pop up. Read the user reviews and ask for the best strains as per your need.
- What are yellow kratom strains’ health benefits?
Yellow Kratom strains are best for uplifting energy, motivation, and managing pain. Moreover, these strains also help with ever-lasting relaxation and stress release.
- Are yellow kratom strains best for beginners?
Since Yellow kratom strains are mellow considering their potency, hence they are beginner-friendly. You can give them a try but be cautious about the dose. Do not take more than 1-2gram for the first time.
William Clark is a freelance writer for the health and wellness industry, specialising in mental health and alternative health. He is also an avid proponent of Kratom and its benefits. His wild adventures in the quest for knowledge took him to the farthest corners of Southeast Asia, home to many kratom plantations. Here, he got to witness the age-old practices of kratom use. He uncovered exciting stories about kratom use and loved sharing his knowledge with site readers.