Does Kratom affect your driving? Is it safe to drive after consuming Kratom?
If you are someone who regularly uses Kratom for its purported benefits or wants to start experimenting with this herb, you need to determine its safety.
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While Kratom is not illegal in the states, its raving popularity among the masses and lack of enough studies have made it a controlled substance.
In this article, we will address some frequent concerns related to driving and Kratom to help educate users and help them avoid any legalities.
Can You Drive Under the Influence of Kratom?
Kratom is usually considered safe compared to other substances, but we cannot answer this question with a yes or no. There have been a lot of debates on whether it is safe to drive after having Kratom, yet it cannot be deduced whether you should do it or not.

Factors affecting the influence of Kratom on driving
Here are some factors that can explain how Kratom can influence your driving:
1. Kratom strain consumed
There is a considerable variety of Kratom strains available online and in-store around the US. Depending on their effects, they can be categorized as slow, moderate, or fast strains. The potency of the Kratom strain will determine its impact on your body. Usually, the Red Vein Kratom strain is considered slow in its action.
These include Red Maeng Da and Red Bali Kratom, which offer soothing and sedating effects. Thus, researchers do not recommend driving after consuming them.
On the flip side, the Green Vein Kratom and White Vein Kratom are fast strains that boost energy. Thus, driving after taking these strains is relatively safe.
2. Dosage of Kratom
The dosage of Kratom has a direct relation to its impact on driving. Therefore, the more Kratom you consume, the more potent and robust its effects on your body.
Hence, this one is a no-brainer. You must ensure you consume a small dose of Kratom before driving.
3. Other substances taken with Kratom
Kratom is likely to interact with other medicines or supplements if you take these simultaneously. As a result, the effects produced may either decrease or increase the intensity of Kratom on your body.
One of the alkaloids in Kratom, mitragynine, inhibits the metabolic enzyme P450 in the body, which is responsible for the metabolism of many toxic substances and drugs.
If Kratom is consumed with any of these substances, drug interactions may expose the system to their harmful effects.
For example, taking Kratom and cough syrup together can lead to sedative effects and thus may influence your driving.
4. How long does Kratom stay in your system?
Studies show that Kratom stays active in your body for at least 24 hours after consumption. You will still be able to feel the effects of the drug when you wake up in the morning if you take it right before bedtime. Half-life, dosage, mode of consumption, and metabolization can influence how long it stays in the system.
To break it down further, driving on Kratom is not considered safe when its effects are at their peak. This usually happens within 1-2 hours of consumption, which is the time it takes for Kratom to kick in.
Knowing the duration of Kratom’s effects is crucial to determining its safety while driving.
5. Frequency of usage
If you’re starting out on Kratom, you’ll experience more potent effects even with small doses. As you build up on the consistency and consume it frequently, you will develop tolerance to small amounts and won’t feel the same impact.
So, taking Kratom more frequently than usual can impact your driving and should be avoided.
Is it Considered Safe to Drive on Kratom?
Now that we have broken down several factors regarding the influence of Kratom on driving, we can safely say that it’s better to avoid the substance instead of putting yourself at risk.
Even experienced users may feel adverse effects while driving on Kratom. This is better explained by a post published on r/Kratom by a Reddit user:
“The other night, I decided to take a handful of kratom capsules before driving home on the highway (I commute). During the drive, the capsules made me suddenly feel very nauseous. I decided to pull the car over in a parking lot for about 10 minutes until I quit feeling sick.
I’m sure the whole thing looked very suspicious: a car parked by itself in an empty parking lot late at night with a driver buzzed and feeling sick. I wasn’t drunk, and I don’t do any illegal drugs, but it might still have been a DUI (driving under the influence).
My experience makes a simple point: don’t do kratom and drive.”
Click Here To Read If It Is Okay To Fly With Kratom
Can You Get a DUI on Kratom?
The short answer is yes. You can get a DUI on Kratom. The longer answer is that it depends on the state and the circumstances.
In most states, you can be arrested for driving under the influence of toxic substances or prescription drugs.
But what qualifies as “substance”?
That’s up to each state’s legislature to decide.
Some states define it as “any substance” or as “a controlled substance,” which would include Kratom. Other states only consider substances illegal based on their effect on driving — for example, a chemical that makes you feel sleepy or high isn’t necessarily unlawful if it doesn’t affect your ability to drive safely (if you’re drunk).
The law considers whether someone was impaired by drugs or alcohol while driving. So if a police officer pulls over a car where the driver has been drinking but not using drugs, they could still be charged with an offense under this law — even if they weren’t actually impaired at the time of driving.
Will Kratom Show Up on a Drug Test?
Drug tests are the only way to determine whether a person has consumed kratom and is driving under the influence. But, unlike other substances, Kratom does not appear on standard drug tests such as a 5-panel drug test. Instead, it can be identified using a 10-panel Kratom drug test.
Through a 10-panel test, Kratom can be detected for up to 7 days after consumption. However, this depends on some factors that influence the duration of Kratom in your system, like:
- Metabolic rate
- Other substances consumed
- Fat percentage
- Liver health
Kratom is detected by taking urine or blood samples that trace the presence of its metabolites. A urine sample shows the presence of Kratom for 6 hours to 9 days after use, whereas a blood sample can identify the herb for only 24 hours to 2 days.
Click Here To Read Complete Details About Kratom and Drug Test
Laws Regarding Driving Under the Influence
Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a serious offense and can result in fines, jail time, and the confiscation of your vehicle if you are stopped for driving under the influence. In addition, some laws govern when and how you must be tested for drug and alcohol use and what happens if your test is positive.
Laws regarding driving under the influence vary from state to state. In many states, it’s illegal to drive with any amount of alcohol in your system. And in some states, it’s illegal to drive with any trace of drugs in your system.
You can read more about the state penalties here.
Legal Status of Kratom
There is a lot of confusion about whether Kratom is legal or not. As a matter of fact, it’s both illegal and legal at the same time.
Kratom is illegal in the United States, but it’s legal to buy and use in most states. It’s often sold as a herbal supplement and is used to tackle discomfort and boost relaxation. It’s also used by people who want to get high — but like any other recreational substance, it can make a person crave more if used in higher doses.
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration has classified kratom as a drug of concern, which means it has no medical value and poses a risk of abuse or dependence. But many people have found that kratom works well for them in alleviating discomfort or getting high on its own accord without mixing it with other substances (which are still considered illegal by law).
The Bottom Line
Kratom has recently become popular, but it is not considered entirely safe to drive following its consumption. Therefore, driving under the influence of Kratom or any other substance should be avoided for the safety of yourself and others.
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Sara is the owner/operator of Sara E. Teller Industries, LLC., and a freelance writer who has spent nearly twenty years in media. A seasoned publishing professional, she has worked for newspapers, magazines, and book publishers in content digitization, editorial, acquisitions, and intellectual property. Sara has an MBA degree and is currently pursuing an MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. In addition to her freelance work, she manages and has published three fiction and two self-help titles. She lives with her family of six in Michigan.
This article says that kratom os NOT legal in the USA. There is a kratom legality map, use it. If you’re in a state where it’s illegal, or banned vendors will NOT ship to you! You’ll have to find other methods of getting it. It is in fact, LEGAL in my state Ohio. Plz fact check this article. Sincerely, a very experienced user.
I’m not sure what you’re seeing but that article doesn’t say that it’s illegal in the USA or Ohio.