The internet knows too much about Kratom, that’s for sure. The hard part is finding the right information at the right time. If you’re here wanting to know how often you should take a dose of Kratom, stop right here! This blog is all you need, just when you need it.
Are you tempted to try this plant-based herb, but are unsure how and when to consume it? Or are you a novice already, and need to know how much Kratom your body can handle? Well, we’re here for you. Get ready to make notes with us.
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We’re all different. Everybody comes with a complex metabolism. The one thing that will genuinely help you figure out how much dosage to take is observing how your body reacts to Kratom. You can be skimming through hundreds of reviews from other users, and yet your body might respond in a completely different way.
Begin with a dosage as low as possible. In research by Smith, Kirsten E., et al. 2022, most of the regular users of Kratom use no more than 5g of powdered Kratom. Therefore, if you are a beginner, it is safe to begin with 50 mg and then add up 25 mg with every subsequent dose till you reach your desired dose.
Monitor your symptoms and the magnitude of the effect produced in the body. Try out different routines, and switch things up a little if they don’t feel right. Take your intake on an empty stomach someday, other days after a full meal. Observe which pattern leaves a lasting response and inculcate that into your everyday routine.
However, make sure you do not go more than 5-10 g per day. This is because high doses are linked to increased Kratom tolerance and side effects. Also, Kratom effects can take up to an hour to show, so be patient with your intake.
For beginners – 12 hours of a gap, not more than 2 doses a day
Kratom has a half-life of 23 ± 16 hr. That means it can take more than one and a half days for your dosage to get metabolised, absorbed, and excreted out of the body. If you’re a beginner, do not include Kratom in your diet more than twice a day. Otherwise, you’ll be taking more than your body can handle, and the after-effects are nasty.
It is advised that you give your body enough time duration to excrete the first intake before taking a second dosage. If not appropriately administered, Kratom is a complex herb that can be harsh on the body. One of the most evident symptoms of Kratom overdose is dehydration. Time to reduce your intake immediately if you feel like you’ve been getting thirstier than usual! Other overdose symptoms include nausea, sweating, constipation, increased urination, and loss of appetite.
Experienced users – 6 hours of a gap, not more than 3 dosages a day
For chronic users, a gap of as little as 6 hours is sufficient for the body to break down the alkaloids in this plant and produce the body’s desired response. However, it is advised not to take more than 3 dosages a day.
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Although healthcare experts advise not to take Kratom more than once, most experienced Kratom users disagree. Depending on what effect you desire from this plant, the dosage and frequency vary.
Individuals who use this plant for its potent analgesic properties believe that dosage twice a day is the most effective. At the same time, users who consume it for mild sedation agree that a single dosage is enough.
Before you try experimenting with what dosage settles the best for you, get a writing pad or make a separate note column on your cellphone. Document your dosage every day. This way, you’d neither be overdosing nor taking a dose less than required.
Traditionally, Kratom was used as an herbal tea throughout South East Asia; it was popular among natives due to its self-healing properties. Kratom tea is a safe option.
Traditionally, the fresh or dried leaves were chewed or brewed into tea. Lemon juice is added to facilitate the extraction of plant alkaloids; before drinking, sugar or honey may be added to mask the brew’s bitter taste.
You can take as many as 3 cups in a day without worrying about potent side effects, as this dose is well tolerated by most of the American population. Make sure you give your body at least 6 hours before taking a second cup. Drink plenty of water and enjoy your tea.
Kratom Tea can easily be made by boiling dried Kratom leaves, or you could just order some Kratom tea bags- whatever works for you!
Also Read This Article On 10 Best Kratom Drinks To Try

Be a little extra careful if you’re consuming powdered Kratom, given its complex chemistry and a wide variety of multiple strains. Remember, you can never be too cautious!
It is generally advised for newcomers to use a measuring scale while calculating their dosage and begin with as low as 1 gram of powder. In case this dosage doesn’t seem to work, increase your intake by 0.5 grams or an extra 1 gram. Most Kratom users adjust their powdered dosage using the following formula: considering that a dosage of 20 milligrams to every kilogram of weight is deemed adequate for most people, a dose of one to two grams of Kratom should be sufficient.
This dosage calculation is effective for developing users. If you’re an experienced user, you can adjust your dosage by increasing 1-2 grams every few months, considering what works for you. However, do not go beyond 10 g of dose as after this your body starts showing a lot of undesirable Kratom side effects like dizziness, nausea, stomach pain, pupil constriction, etc.
Whether you’re an old user or a new one, the one thing that massively affects the response of Kratom in your body is water intake. There is no such thing as enough water with this herb, given its moisture-absorbing properties and dehydration being a prime symptom – be careful.
Users who take 2 dosages a day with a gap of at least 6-8 hours are advised to take a minimum of 12-15 glasses a day. Individuals who take three dosages a day should increase their water intake by an additional 5 glasses of water. This is because increased water content not only decreases the incidence of gut-related side effects but also enhances the elimination of Kratom metabolites from the body.
Although all Kratom consumers should be on the lookout for any adverse signs and symptoms, the following few people should stay extra vigilant.
1. Old age users
With age, the body tends to slow down. Similarly, the body’s metabolic processes are hampered, leading to delayed absorption and excretion from the body. Old-age individuals must plan their dosage so that one dose a day is enough for them. It is especially advised for older users to not consume more than one dose a day and to consult their Physician before including Kratom in their diet.
2. Obese Individuals
Individuals with more than normal body fat take longer than usual to excrete metabolites from their bodies. Obese Kratom Users must never take more than 2 controlled dosages a day to avoid toxicity and adverse effects.
Most experienced Kratom users believe that an intake with a meal leads to better absorption and rapid effect than an empty stomach.
3. Individuals who don’t drink enough water
The one thing that goes unsaid with Kratom consumption is the necessity to increase your water intake. Users who do not drink enough water should restrict themselves to one dosage a day. Excessive organic supplements with a lack of water intake can lead to severe dehydration. Dehydration is the mother of all complications and is considered a stressful condition for the body and should be avoided.
4. Individuals with Renal Impairment and Liver Failure
If you suffer from any kidney disorder or if you have a relevant genetic history, it is better that you consult your Physician before using this herb. Research has proven that Kratom acts powerfully on the kidneys, and individuals with an already underlying kidney condition can go towards failure.
Along with the kidneys, our liver is also susceptible to herbal products. If you have a history of liver failure, you must seek proper consultation to avoid Hepatotoxicity.
Although Kratom is now super famous and widely consumed, keep in mind that it is not as safe as the internet tells you. The FDA is still establishing grounds to work out its consumption safety. Given its tricky chemistry, it might act adversely in some instances. The correct dosage and frequency are not yet established, so it’s best to stay at the lower end.
There have been cases of Kratom overdosing. The Journal of Clinical Toxicology reported astonishing data between the years 2011-2017. It turns out that 1807 had poisoned themselves and had to report to a control center! The most alarming part is that the bulk of these cases (two-thirds, in fact) were reported in the latest year of this report.
Kratom is quite popular, and there’s a lot to learn from the internet about its exposure. However, most people don’t make use of this knowledge and end up harming their bodies severely. As per the study, 11 unfortunate deaths were caused by Kratom exposure.
Before you stress out because you feel like you’re even more confused than before, here’s what you really need to know.
Can a beginner take more than one dosage a day? How much dosage is enough dosage? Can experienced users take multiple dosages? Can I take more Kratom if I’m consuming it? How much Kratom Tea is enough for a day? What complications are expected if I’m overdosing? Who should be extra careful? Well, time to get your answers.
No, If you’re a beginner you have to be extra careful. A minimum gap of 12-15 hours is advised before the next intake otherwise you’d be stressing your body.
Begin with as low as possible, follow the body weight to gram scale to correctly calculate your dosage.
Yes and No. Since most experienced users are familiar with how Kratom works they can easily tell when their body is about to go towards exhaustion. A user who’s familiar with how the body reacts to overdosing would always prefer being careful.
You can safely smoke twice a day, since the Kratom is being inhaled and not directly absorbed in the bloodstream, it has lesser side effects and is a safer option.
This entirely depends on how you’re making it. If you’re not concentrating on it too much, as many as 3 cups a day is considered safe. However, a concentrated tea is never a good option, the more you dilute it, the better it is.
Kratom is a complicated herb that manifests itself in the form of Indole alkaloids. These alkaloids mimic distinctive signs and symptoms of overdose. The take-home message is better to be safe than sorry! We hope this article was insightful and informative for you. Hopefully, now you know your supplement scales better. Be sure to share this article in your circle- because the more we know, the more we grow!

Jennifer Kurtz is a founder of and studied medicine at the New Jersey School of Medicine (Rutgers). She is passionate about developing her knowledge of Kratom, and nutritional supplements. In addition to attending medical webinars and conferences, she loves to write research-based articles for magazines, healthcare professionals, and medical agencies. Jennifer is always looking to develop her knowledge for the Kratom through scientific researches and frequently asked questions of customers looking to buy kratom from reliable sources.