18 thoughts on “Kratom Dosage Guide: How Much Kratom Should I Take?

  1. Fabian C Davila says:

    I took 6gm of white maeng da and I had a very pleasant experience. It was my first time trying kratom and I have to say that I very much enjoyed the outcome. Of course I did a little research before hand and I have to admit it was very worth the time. I will definitely recommend it to all who need help with opioid withdrawal it really does wonders.

  2. Cody says:

    1 capsule is ½ a gram. Please correct this

  3. Jade says:

    I’m confused… I’m new to this & recently started looking into Kratom for various reasons- I came across a shop yesterday that sold capsules (Maeng Da silver ) it says on the bag 60 capsules • 36 grams…. Does that mean each one contains 36 grams- or what? Because here you’re saying a capsule is 1 gram.
    Please anyone give an answer ,

  4. Jade says:

    I’m very new to this! I just purchased a bag of capsules that says “60 capsules • 36 grams” does that mean each capsule contains 36 grams – after reading this I’m confused.

  5. Henrik says:

    It must definitely be that those capsules are smaller, then what this site states. Meaning the have about ~0,6 gram in each capsule, to a total of 36 grams (60×0,6 = 36)

  6. Kate Freeman says:

    Our capsules are the correct size. Each capsule is .6 to .7 of a gram which equals around 750mg which is the correct weight for the capsules.

  7. Nicole G. says:

    It all depends on the brand you are buying, as to the amount in each capsule. When I buy my Kratom, if I am buying a brand that I have not used before, I always check the label to see how much Kratom is in each capsule. So far, I’ve seen some brands with 500mg per capsule (.5G) and other brands contain 600mg per capsule (.6g). If the brand does mot list the amount of Kratom contained in each capsule, I don’t buy it. I like brands/companies that are transparent and inform their consumers, so they know what exactly they are taking and how much to take.

  8. Jim says:

    So there are many standard sizes for capsules. If you Google “capsule size chart” you can see a listing. Only very large (hard to swallow capsules) hold 1g. The article here states that they refer to capsules that hold one gram. I prefer size 00, which hold about 0.5g to 0.6g. If 60 capsules hold 36g each, they are probably size 00 and hold about 0.6g.

  9. JG says:

    Not always. Krabot has 1g capsules and Kats are 600mg. People should check to see what theirs are before consuming

  10. Jg says:

    The capsules are 600mg is there are 60 pills

  11. James Faford says:

    The gel caps add a small amount of weight so a .5 gram kratom gel cap probably weighs .6 grams

  12. DiReid says:

    I don’t have a scale to measure grams. Can someone help me with this?

  13. Chris says:

    It depends of what kind of Kratom you use. If its powder then 1 tsp is about 2-2,5 gr.

  14. Vince says:

    To utilize Kratom as a medical replacement of Tylenol or similar products for routine mild pain relief, and to help reduce inflation in general. What strain is recommended? Also many of the mainstream articles coming from places like the Mayo clinic don’t recommend it’s us due to its addictive possibilities if abused. I am guessing that is based in doses? Please advise? Can this be taken at small doses 1 to 3 grams daily for long term maintenance.

  15. Kate Freeman says:

    Many online medical sites are very biased about Kratom since it’s competitive. As for a recommended strain I would suggest a darker Red like a Red Borneo, Red Bali or a Bentuangie. Also, taking it 1-3 times a day is normal. It would depend on your tolerance. Hope that helps!

  16. Esteban says:

    I use Thai Green vein, I take 10 to 12 capsules a day, I stop using, OXI 30and morphine 60 milligrams and I find out this amazing thing called Kratom and it save my life. Thank you for this amazing gift from earth 🌎 I have now a beautiful life thank you 🙏 again

  17. P. Patti Knoll says:

    I don’t see any reference to the liquid Kratom in a very small bottle – I was given 5 of these for my pain with no instructions- I swallowed half of the bottle this am and will take the rest tonight. Any thoughts? And, each small bottle is $20 – very expensive for one day -what about the powder- is it less expensive?
    Thank you,Patti Knoll

  18. Kate Freeman says:

    The tinctures are for customers who can’t handle the taste of regular powder. You will more for your money is you buy the powder.

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