Update Date: 25/01/2024
If you have been using Kratom regularly and benefiting from its effects, there might have been one concern regarding its use that has been lurking in your head for quite a while now:
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Does Kratom show up on a drug test?
Given Kratom’s effects on the mind and body, it makes sense why most consumers worry about one aspect of its use despite its many benefits.
Because, quite frankly, no one wants to lose a job if they get positive for a drug test, now do we?
But don’t worry! We understand your concern. And that’s why, in this article, we will dive into every detail you need to know about Kratom testing to avoid getting a positive drug test!
Kratom and Its Worldwide Popularity
For decades, Kratom has been a controversial drug. It has long fought its way into legality issues and other health-related concerns. It was considered a psychoactive drug that could alter brain chemistry. It was banned in many countries, including the United States of America.
However, after scientific experts studied this medicinal plant extensively, it was confirmed that this natural drug is not dangerous for one’s health. Since then, almost 48 states in the U.S. have lifted bans from this miracle plant, and the DEA has reversed its decision to mark it as a Schedule I drug due to a lack of studies on the Kratom Drug Test.
Kratom is extremely useful in helping people to withdraw from dependence, and this is what adds to its popularity— considerably.
If you have struggled with dependency and you want to get rid of the disappointment that comes with the positive that shows on the standard 5-panel drug test, then it is high time that you switch to Kratom.
Kratom: Testing Clean, Performing Sharp
Kratom is an astounding drug that delivers similar effects but does not show up on drug tests, only if it’s the 5-panel drug test.
According to many user reviews, the most commonly used and usually performed 5-panel drug tests do not give a positive Kratom result. Not even on the urine tests.
People working with organizations where employees have to take monthly Kratom drug tests can benefit a lot from using Kratom. It will boost their energy the same way as substances do, and it will keep them active and alert throughout the day.
Thus individuals can enhance their performance by being more productive at work, and at the same time, they can spare themselves from the worries of tests.
But why is that so? Does Kratom show up on a drug test?
But, let’s first understand the composition of Kratom.
Kratom: Chemistry and Safety Overview
Kratom belongs to the botanical family Mitragyna Speciosa, which is the same as that of the Coffee plant.
The species belonging to this family, especially the Kratom do not have the same chemistry as that of illegal narcotics. While they still can produce similar effects like stimulation, mild euphoria, energy boost, increased focus, calm and relaxation, and discomfort relief.
But the chemical composition of Kratom does not affect the brain at any level to achieve these results, since the alkaloids only interact with the receptors to deliver substance-like effects.
This is why Kratom is a safe drug and helps with withdrawal. It does not cause dependency, but it must be ensured that the Kratom users are buying it 100% natural and pure.
Several scam products in the market claim to be pure and best quality Kratom supplements, while unfortunately they are tainted with other substances to increase the effects.
Thus make sure that you survey the market properly before investing in any Kratom product.
However, there is a minimal chance that Kratom might show on a drug test. But that is only if the laboratory tests are exclusively meant to detect the mitragynine residue, for certain purposes.
The mitragynine residue and its metabolites can be detected through urine tests, but it is doubtful that someone may be asked to take a Kratom drug test.
Since it is not a narcotic drug and its use is legal in most parts of the world, the chances of getting mitragynine tests done are extremely low.
Kratom Drug Test: Understanding How Kratom Tests are Done
As mentioned before, drug tests that use the standard 5-panel tests do not and cannot detect Kratom alkaloids in your system. They are incapable of doing so, as these tests only detect the presence of intoxicating drugs.
However, a specialized test used for detecting Kratom in the body system called the 10-panel test, conducted by healthcare professionals, can yield a positive result for Kratom’s presence in the body.
These specialized tests are like skilled investigators, focusing on the specific alkaloids unique to Kratom, especially mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine. These particular compounds are only found in Kratom and leave a distinct mark on your body after consumption. It’s important to understand that these tests are finely tuned for precision, offering a thorough examination that distinguishes Kratom alkaloids from other substances commonly screened for in standard drug tests.
Moreover, realizing the crucial importance of sensitivity and accuracy is vital when it comes to these specialized tests. A reliable and validated testing method is the key to ensuring results that are both dependable and trustworthy. This level of precision is especially crucial for individuals who may have come into contact with Kratom and are now seeking definitive confirmation.
The use of specialized tests for Kratom showcases the strides we’ve made in substance detection methods. It illustrates our ability to adapt and comprehend the unique qualities of this specific botanical substance. This progress marks a significant leap forward in the field of substance analysis.
So, if we put it simply, then yes!
Kratom can show on urine and blood tests if specialized drug testing methods are used to detect its presence in the system. However, it is worth mentioning that a Kratom-positive result does not happen as frequently as other drugs.
Moreover, it is necessary to remember that Kratom has been declared legal—federally—in most states. If you want to know more about the specific kratom legal states, there are resources available to provide you with a detailed list. Hence, employers and agencies do not necessarily perform Kratom tests if it is legal in your state or region. Even in the more advanced tests often used for higher-level positions, Kratom and its byproducts might not be screened due to its lesser-known status as a substance of abuse.
Currently Available Kratom Tests
Currently, Kratom in drug tests can be detected by using:
- Urine Kratom Testing
A 10-panel drug test can detect Kratom in the urine for six to seven days. Even after its detection, in some states, as mentioned above, it is not a big concern, as Kratom is legal.
As of now, there is limited research on how urine tests detect Kratom in the system. However, one thing is sure even a trace amount of Kratom can be detected by using a urine test for up to 7 days, approximately. For an average user, Kratom can show up in urine within five days of its consumption.
Furthermore, at the moment, blood, saliva, and hair follicle Kratom tests are not available.
Factors Influencing Kratom Detection in 10-Panel Test
Several factors can influence the Kratom positive test result on a 10-panel drug test. These include:
- Age
- Kratom dosage
- Frequency of use
- Individual metabolism
- Individual body fat percentage
- Liver condition and disease
- Existing health issues
- Intake of alcohol
Is it Likely to Get a False Positive Kratom Result on a Drug Test?
Getting a false positive with Kratom is a rarity.
However, there are exceptions in which people may have consumed Kratom medication or supplements right before the test or been tested for mitragynine for some particular reasons. Otherwise, mitragynine, as well as the alkaloids in Kratom, do not give a false positive in any case.
Another reason that may contribute to a false positive is the use of impure or tainted Kratom products or supplements that may be modified with narcotic drugs or other brain-altering substances to give maximum satisfaction to the users.
Special Recommendations
Let’s say you have a drug test scheduled in a few days and want to avoid getting a positive result. What are you going to do to prevent that?
You are looking for ways to prevent the big positive for sure.
Aren’t you?
If that is the case, then we might have a bit of advice to share with you.
Although it is unlikely to be positive with Kratom on a drug test, it is recommended that people should avoid the use of this herbal plant at least a week before they schedule their appointment. This is to guarantee 100% desired results, which is a negative drug test, of course.
Final Thoughts
So, in case you want to spare yourself from the worries of monthly drug tests at your workplace and yet want to feel confident and upbeat, replace other dangerous and harmful drugs with Kratom.
It will not only save you from your dependence and other health-related concerns, but it will also protect your reputation in the eyes of the employer.
FAQs About Kratom Drug Testing
1. Does Kratom Show Up on a Probation Test?
Your standard drug tests, such as SAMHSA-5 drug tests used for probation screenings, do not usually detect Kratom in your system. However, these tests are done to detect strong, controversial drugs, and their metabolites in your system.
Nonetheless, an agency or a firm can ask you to undergo certain tests to detect Kratom consumption in a person. These tests are specialized drug tests that are usually used to detect Kratom if the employer believes that a person might be using it. However, it’s also worth knowing that Kratom drug testing is not a common practice in every state or country, as the Kratom legality varies in every part of the world.
So, if your state allows the use of Kratom, you should be fine most of the time. Remember, Kratom testing is a rare occurrence!
2. How Long Does Kratom Show Up in a Drug Test?
Standard drug tests, like the SAMHSA-5 panel, usually don’t check for kratom. But, there are specialized tests designed to specifically look for certain components in kratom, like mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine.
When it comes to how long kratom can be detected in drug tests, it really depends. Factors like how much you took, how often you take Kratom, the type of test, and even how your body metabolizes the drug can all play a role. Generally, you might find traces of Kratom in your urine for a few days after you’ve taken it. Some sources even suggest it can be detected for up to 7-9 days, especially if you use it frequently or in higher amounts.
But here’s the thing, because kratom is still relatively new in terms of widespread use and research, we don’t have a super clear picture of exactly how long it can be detected. It’s a bit of a gray area, which means it’s really important to approach this with a good understanding of the specifics.
3. What Are the Specific Alkaloids in Kratom that Drug Tests Look For?
Specialized drug tests for Kratom (not your standard ones, like SAMHSA-5) typically look for specific alkaloids, such as mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine, which are prominent in Kratom and in your system after its consumption. These distinctive alkaloids serve as the chemical fingerprints of Kratom, making them key indicators for its presence in your body.
When considering specialized tests, it’s crucial to recognize that their accuracy is crucial in distinguishing Kratom from other substances. This precision ensures a reliable confirmation of Kratom exposure, which is especially important for individuals seeking unequivocal results.
4. Is there a Standardized Testing Protocol for Kratom?
Since there is little to no research available on Kratom drug testing and how it’s done, also considering the recent rise in Kratom’s recreational use, we lack a universally established testing protocol.
Therefore, it becomes crucial to seek accurate information and understand the specificities of the tests being used.

Jennifer Kurtz is a founder of KratomGuides.com and studied medicine at the New Jersey School of Medicine (Rutgers). She is passionate about developing her knowledge of Kratom, and nutritional supplements. In addition to attending medical webinars and conferences, she loves to write research-based articles for magazines, healthcare professionals, and medical agencies. Jennifer is always looking to develop her knowledge for the Kratom through scientific researches and frequently asked questions of customers looking to buy kratom from reliable sources.
I have read all the information on results on drug testing I’m trying to find more information on this. The reason is I bought Kratom Capsules for my son, and he has to go through urine drug testing once a week, and I’m trying to find out if it’s safe for him to take these. I don’t want to give him anything that might get him in trouble, but he needs something for cause he’s in a lot of with his back. Thank you in advance for any information you can give me.
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